With the celebration of the annual Agape just right around the corner, UST releases its' guidelines on the claiming of food vouchers, which will be utilized on December 13's aforementioned event.
Designated claiming stalls for the stubs will be in the fenced area of the Albertus Magnus building starting on December 4, from 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM. Below is the full schedule of the said claim:
- December 4-7 | Monday to Thursday (8:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.)
- December 9 | Saturday (8:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.)
- December 11-12 | Monday to Tuesday (8:00 AM - 5:30 P.M.)
UST IDs are the main prerequisite for students, support staff, and academic staff to acquire the said stubs. However, the QR codes of their respective portals can be utilized as an alternative identification.
Furthermore, the stub distribution will be firmly on a one-per-student basis. Hence, the owner of the ID shall be the only one subjected to obtaining their food stubs.
Safeguarding the claimed food stubs until the 13th would be at best, as lost or damaged ones will not be eligible for replacement any more.
Please be guided, CASAns!