Artlets to transition to hybrid learning for this year's second semester

Photo by Jesstine Co

UST Faculty of Arts and Letters released the general guidelines on transitioning from an online academic setup to hybrid learning for the 2nd Semester of the Academic Year 2022-2023. This is in line with Memorandum No. 13 of the Office of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (RE: Institutional Transitioning Plan for Hybrid Learning). 

According to the guidelines, all high-stakes assessments (e.g., preliminary and final examinations) will be held onsite whereas the regular classes for general education courses will be held online but will have onsite pilot classes. The lecture and the laboratory courses are to be determined by the academic unit.

The 2nd semester is set to begin on January 16, 2023. All academic staff members must inform students about weekly class expectations during orientations which include the schedule of onsite and/or online classes to amply prepare the students.

To ensure health protocols inside the university, COVID-19 vaccination is strongly recommended for in-person classes; all are requested to update their immunization records by uploading their COVID-19 vaccination cards to THoMedSS. 

The University constantly ensures the safety of students by requiring them to accomplish their health declaration in ThoMedSS for in-person attendance.

For the uniform, AB students are to wear their Type A uniform which is the regular uniform worn until Easter Break. Thereafter, the Type B uniform is set to be worn. For students who are yet to purchase their uniforms, the selling of Type A uniforms is available at St. Raymund's Building from 8 AM-4 PM from Monday to Saturday.

Lourdes Angel Gonzales

Hi! I am Angel Gonzales from the Faculty of Arts and Letters. I have been inclined in writing ever since I was younger. I wrote stories and poetries, and now news!!! I love cooking, reading, sleeping, writing, going out, and spending my time with friends. I am exuberant, passionate, and determined. Oh, and I hate beef!!!!

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