AUN-QA certification awarded to UST's communication program

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The University of Santo Tomas' communication program just received the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) certification alongside the journalism program in the Faculty of Arts and Letters.

The ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Network is an organization that was set up in 1998 to fulfill the mission of harmonizing educational standards and seeking continuous improvement of the academic quality of universities in ASEAN countries. AUN-QA conducts quality assessments for higher education institutions that are part of the network; UST is part of the country's 20 member universities.

These assessments include AUN-QA Programme Assessment and the AUN-QA Institutional Assessment. The activities of the network are executed in accordance with the Bangkok Accord—which is a guideline to develop the academic standards of AUN member universities and foster the development of a quality assurance system for its stakeholders. 

Jian Florentino

Jian is a 4th year Communication student from the Features department of CASA Chronicle. She used to be part of the News department and transferred to seek new writing endeavors. Her interests range from local and Asian cinema, Formula One racing, and pop culture.

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