Photo from CASA Multimedia |
Heads up, CASAn freshies!
As we get set for the highly-anticipated freshmen festivities that will take place this week, the Office of the Dean released a memorandum containing the final guidelines for this year’s Welcome Walk & ROARientation for incoming freshmen.
Securing a smooth flow of the said activities on August 3, 2023, freshmen CASAns must proceed to the St. Raymund de Penafort Building by 6:30 AM. Students will then proceed to the Quadricentennial Pavillion to kickstart the onboarding activities.
Per the memorandum, CASAns must sport navy-blue colored attires for this year’s Welcome Walk and ROARientation. However, these attires must abide by the dress-code policies of the university. Below indicate the student’s guide for their clothing:
Photo from the Memorandum from the Office of the Dean |
Moreover, students who are experiencing COVID-like symptoms are advised to fill up their ThOMedSS (Thomasian Online Medical Services and Support) for further interventions.
The said festivities are deemed to run from 6:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. to be followed by the comeback of the onsite Thomasian Welcome Party at 7 P.M., as per the announcement of UST Tiger TV on their social media platforms.
Further details
Before the freshmen roar their way through the Arch of the Centuries, a virtual information session will be held on August 2, orienting the new roster of Thomasians with support services, policies, and procedures during their stay at the University.