Office of the Dean releases final guidelines for Freshmen Welcome Walk & ROARientation

Photo from CASA Multimedia

Heads up, CASAn freshies! 

As we get set for the highly-anticipated freshmen festivities that will take place this week, the Office of the Dean released a memorandum containing the final guidelines for this year’s Welcome Walk & ROARientation for incoming freshmen. 

Securing a smooth flow of the said activities on August 3, 2023, freshmen CASAns must proceed to the St. Raymund de Penafort Building by 6:30 AM. Students will then proceed to the Quadricentennial Pavillion to kickstart the onboarding activities. 

Per the memorandum, CASAns must sport navy-blue colored attires for this year’s Welcome Walk and ROARientation. However, these attires must abide by the dress-code policies of the university. Below indicate the student’s guide for their clothing:

Photo from the Memorandum from the Office of the Dean

Other essentials such as umbrellas, rain gear, and personal medicines are also encouraged to be brought if deemed necessary. 

Moreover, students who are experiencing COVID-like symptoms are advised to fill up their ThOMedSS (Thomasian Online Medical Services and Support) for further interventions. 

The said festivities are deemed to run from 6:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. to be followed by the comeback of the onsite Thomasian Welcome Party at 7 P.M., as per the announcement of UST Tiger TV on their social media platforms.

Further details 

Before the freshmen roar their way through the Arch of the Centuries, a virtual information session will be held on August 2, orienting the new roster of Thomasians with support services, policies, and procedures during their stay at the University.

Mylferd Joshua S. Supnet

Outspoken, easygoing, and multifaceted. Going by the pronouns he/him, Mylferd is an AB Communications Freshman at the University of Santo Tomas. Currently, he is part of the UST-CASA Chronicle as a News Staff. Further, he loves hosting, public speaking, and being a student leader. Beyond his lovely academic life, Mylferd loves playing ML, queer representation in media, cute dogs, and everything fried chicken!

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