World Poetry Day Series 2022 (Day 1, Part 2): A Haiku to Weather the Chaos

This simple yet meaningful haiku by Naht Estrada from 4COM5 is dedicated to the chaos our world is facing right now, specifically, in Ukraine. According to Naht, he wrote the haiku as a means for him to cope with the news of the terrible conflict and how despite the grim realities, we must still have hope. 

A Haiku to Weather the Chaos
by Naht Estrada

Smile, as flowers do,

For the world acts like a fool,

Yet, peace remains true

Elyana Faye Batungbacal

Elyana is currently a Communication student from the University of Santo Tomas. She is currently part of the UST-CASA Chronicle Editorial Staff as the Literary Editor. When she isn't contributing to the program's publication arm she is at home baking, playing games with friends, and re-watching the show, "Modern Family".

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