The Fight for Women Empowerment with Kwentorika's Women's Month Special Episode

Photo by KC Turtem from UST-CASA Retorika

Following their successful Valentine's Day episode last February 14, 2023, Kwentorika returns to the microphone for their 6th episode, celebrating Women's Month with the title "CA-Babae: A Kwentorika Women's Month Special."

Hosted by Lois Margaret Cayetano and Azy Evangelista, Kwentorika’s 6th episode will discuss and highlight the life and experiences of being a woman; this includes the history of the Women’s Month celebration, underlying themes of women empowerment, as well as the challenges that come with being a woman. 

In connection with the challenges that women experience, this upcoming episode will tackle the glow-up culture and the set of expectations and beauty standards that women are being boxed into. Most importantly, this Women’s Month Special will also provide ideas and ways to cope with these physical and emotional challenges.

Being a woman in today’s society is both a blessing and a challenge. However, it is important to remember that when we think we do not fit the role based on societal standards and expectations, it is not us that needs changing but the system of patriarchy.

Want to listen to the whole episode? Tune in on March 24, 2023, Friday for Kwentorika’s 6th episode and join the fight for women empowerment!

Visit UST-CASA Retorika’s official Spotify Podcast to listen to the previous and upcoming episodes of Kwentorika.

For more updates on Kwentorika, follow their official Facebook page, UST CASA Retorika.
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